We understand that you may be looking for a specialized product, and we excel on customization. If you do not find what you are looking for below, please let us know what we can do to make you happy.
We only sell products that are of the highest quality available in the industry.
Our products are handcrafted in the USA
Ask about our 100% Quality Guarantee
In addition to seat belts and harnesses, we also sell other related products including seat belt webbing, cargo nets, and installation or add-on accessories for your seat belts and harnesses.
Disclaimer. Please read: This product is sold without warranty expressed or implied. No warranty or representation is made as to the product's ability to protect the user from any injury or death in any manner of use. The user assumes that risk. The effectiveness of this equipment is directly related to the manner in which it is installed, used, and/or maintained. Proper installation is solely the responsibility of the installer, and will not be assumed by OEM Seat Belts Inc.